18 Christmas Disasters That'll Make You Feel Bad For Laughing

    "He vomited all over my sister's gifts."

    We asked members of the BuzzFeed Community to tell us about their most disastrous Christmas ever. Here are some of their responses:

    1. Dog-cident:

    2. Too much red wine:

    "One year, our family friends were over for Christmas Eve. After my sisters and I went to bed, our parents and their friends had a bit too much red wine. The husband yacked all over my older sister’s Christmas gifts just after my mom put them out. They were stained red. My mom sure had fun explaining that one."


    3. Coming out:

    4. Burnt skin and paper:

    "While we were opening presents my ex put wrapping paper on a lit candle. We all tried to put it out, but lit pieces of paper flew around the living room so he started grabbing them with his bare hands and running to the sink. The smell of burnt skin and paper filled the house most of the day."


    5. The Spitfire:

    6. What the dog did:

    "We came home from Christmas Eve Mass to discover that our dog had gotten into the box of stocking stuffers and eaten over a pound and a half of chocolate. We made him vomit, and then my husband and I took turns staying up with him all night to let him out every 5–30 minutes. I was seven months pregnant at the time."


    7. Tree disaster:

    "The Christmas tree broke in half while I was sitting on the floor next to it. It fell on my head, an ornament broke, and it cut my head open."


    8. Grandma's shopping spree:

    9. Christmas in ER:

    "Christmas 1997: I ended up in the ER after running through a glass door. The scar on my forearm burns with every Christmas song played."


    10. The skunk:

    11. Tree vomit:

    "My dad’s work had a Christmas party where everyone brought food, and the next day my whole family was sick. My dad vomited on the tree. Nothing says holidays like tree vomit."


    12. The kitten:

    "One Christmas morning we woke up and OH MY GOD a kitten was under the tree! This was the best thing we had ever seen. But the kitten took one look at us and started throwing itself around the lounge, tearing the presents to shreds. We started crying when it kept running into the windows. Our parents came down, and yelled, 'WHO LET THIS CAT INTO THE HOUSE?!' Turns out it was a wild kitten that climbed in the window in the night and got stuck inside."


    13. "Merry Christmas, who the !*&% are you?":

    14. Tree attack:

    "Last year we had just adopted our dog. He had a lot of destructive separation anxiety so we kept him in a crate when we left the house. One day, we left him for two hours and he managed to bounce his crate seven feet across the room to the tree, pull the bottom half of the tree in through the bars and ate all the ribbon, branches, lights, and ornaments. The entire tree was knocked over and sitting on top of the crate."


    15. Bubbles:

    16. Who pooped?:

    "My aunt got way too drunk, accused different family members of pooping in her shower, then eventually passed out and peed herself. Nobody even pooped in the shower."


    17. "Grandad's on fire!":

    18. Smithereens:

    "Picture the scene: We had just sat down to Christmas dinner. The dining table was straining under the weight of food, mum’s best china, and the family's crystal wine glasses. All of a sudden the candelabra that was hanging above the table falls from the ceiling, smashing the contents of the table to smithereens."


    Submissions have been edited for length and/or clarity.

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